Workforce & Education

Workforce & Education

Jefferson County, Illinois
has a large, well-educated workforce

One reason companies choose to locate their operations in Jefferson County, Illinois is the size of our local labor force. We draw upon more than 639,000 workers within a one-hour drive, thanks to an excellent network of Interstate, state, and county highways.

Jefferson County’s workforce pipeline stays strong, thanks to K-12 and postsecondary education partners who recognize the importance of supporting local companies. You’ll find eight universities and colleges within an hour of the county, offering a wide range of degree and certificate programs and workforce training options. The 23 public schools in Jefferson County prepare students for the needs of today’s businesses.

Current industry-specific K-12 and postsecondary offerings in key industries include:

    • Manufacturing: CNC machining, welding, robotics, engineering, CAD/drafting, electronics, maintenance, electricity, business, and accounting.
    • Distribution: robotics, diesel mechanics, facilities management, maintenance, construction, electricity, business, and accounting.
    • Retail & Hospitality: culinary arts, consumer sciences, family sciences, business, accounting, and human resources.
    • Small Business: business, accounting, and human resources

Additional workforce support comes from Man-Tra-Con Corporation, which offers workforce solutions for both employers and job seekers. They help businesses recruit and screen qualified applicants, train their workforce, and provide other assistance as needed.